Treasure Vault
- The Boron Letters (Gary Halbert)(!!) Best way to learn direct response copywriting (FREE!)
- Ogilvy on Advertising(!!) Direct marketing classic
- Advertising Secrets of the Written word
- The Brain Audit Great practical book on structural copywriting
- Drayton Bird "51 marketing ideas"
- Breakthrough advertising
- Tested advertising methods, by John Caples
- A technique for producing ideas
- CopyHackers ebook bundle
- Drayton Bird books list Book list by an industry A-lister
- Copyblogger book list
Learning copywriting
- Gary Halbert Letters(!!)
- Copyhour Great way to learn copywriting
- Gary Bencivenga Legend copywriter
- Conversion triggers CopyHackers on what triggers people in email
- John Carlton Reluctant hero Excellent explanation of the "reluctant hero" format
- Blog on modern copywriting for SaaS
- Autoresponder Madness Stoybased email marketing
- Drift on copywriting
- Power words Power words overview
- A-list copywriters List of living copywriting legends
- Clarity in writing Notes on how to write well
- Copyhackers cheatsheet 87 points on copy improvement
- Metaphorically speaking (TED) James Deary on metaphores
- Copywriting do's and don'ts By Copyhackers
- Interface copywriting Five principles for interface copy
- Power words megalist
- Psychotactics Website of Sean D'Souza
- Well Storied
- Ultimate Guide to email copywriting By GrowthLab
- Design is still about words Basecamp blog post on the power of words
- Principles of interface copywriting
- Burrito story Excellent piece of storytelling & writing
- 29 copywriting resources Further resources
Great ads & examples
- Rolls Royce advert Legendary Ogilvy advert
- Hathaway advert Legendary Ogilvy advert
- Volkswagen Beetle advert Possibly the best commercial ever made
- ReallyGoodEmails: email swipe database Swipe database of great emails
- Good email copy Swipe database of great emails
- Marketing copy database
- Marketing Rebel sales page Sales page of John Carlton's course
- Ramit Sethi launch sequence Swipe of Ramit Sethi's launch campaign
- Dibz Example of long-form SaaS website
Legends to study (classics + current)
- David Ogilvy
- Gary Halbert
- Gary Bencivenga
- John Carlton
- Eugene Schwartz
- Dan Kennedy
- Jay Abrahams
Modern classics
- Frank Kern
- Joanna Wiebe
- Ramit Sethi